Fashion Rules About Bow Ties for Men

A bow tie is one of the most dapper accessories for men, and it is both sophisticated and timeless. Be prepared for every occasion by keeping these fashion rules surrounding bow ties in mind.

Fashion Rules About Bow Ties for Men, King & Bay Custom Clothing, Toronto, Canada

A Guide to Bow Ties for Men

A bow tie is necessary for black tie or white tie events, however there is more to know about this sartorial accessory. Below we've highlighted some fashion rules regarding bow ties to help men better understand how they should be worn.

Bow Tie Fashion Rules

Rule 1: Ensure the Bow Tie is a Self Tie

While a pre-tied bow tie might seem like a safer, easier option, a self-tie demonstrates masculine elegance. Self-ties look authentic and allow men to express their individuality through various unique knots, fabrics, and patterns. 

Rule 2: Pay Attention to the Size

Men should keep their size in mind and wear an appropriately sized bow tie. Over-sized bow ties on shorter men will drown them, however, men who are taller and broader can wear larger ones.

Rule 3: Wear Bow Ties to the Right Occasion & With the Right Suit

Bow ties are expected to be worn at black tie and white tie events, and most often with a tuxedo. You can learn more about the black tie dress code and why dress codes matter here.

Rule 4: Choose the Right Fabric

Bow ties are typically cut from silk, grosgrain, or velvet for a reason. These fabrics are rich in texture and lustre, making them incredibly elegant.  

Rule 5: Alway Arrive with Your Bow Tie Tied

Men should arrive at events ready to make a statement, which means their bow ties should be tied and not hanging loosely around their necks.

Bow ties are an accessory that will always rule in the sartorial world. Men who wear them demonstrate an uncompromising embrace of fashion and style. 

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