Escape the Conventional Dress Shirt & Add Colour This Spring

There's a first time for everything, and if you've never worn a floral dress shirt, now is a perfect time. Our Spring Summer 2022 Collection features several bold patterns and we have tips on how men can add colour to their wardrobe. 

How to Escape the Conventional Dress Shirt & Add Colour This Spring, King & Bay Custom Clothing, Toronto, Canada

Colourful Patterns & Floral Dress Shirts are in Full Bloom

Spring's arrival means the dark and dull winter days are finally behind us. Men can start weeding out their drab clothing to replace them with vibrant pieces including colourful, bold, and floral patterned dress shirts. Our new Spring Summer Collection features several dress shirts and other garments that fall into the colourful category. We believe that adding colour is a fun way for men to express their unique personalities and style, especially during the spring and summer months. Whether you're already confident wearing colour or new to radiant hues, we have tips on how men can brighten their dress shirt collection this spring and summer.

How Men Can Pull off Colourful Dress Shirts this Spring and Summer

Neutral Tones are Important

Introducing colour becomes a little easier when men have have a wide variety of neutral tones in their closet. Neutrals are low-contrast colours such as black, white, grey, beige, and navy; these colours typically work with anything as well as with each other. Adding a dress shirt in a bold colour or pattern becomes less difficult if you're pairing it with a suit that is neutral.

Try Pastel Colours

Incorporating colour into your wardrobe this spring and summer doesn't mean you have to start with vibrant, exploded floral patterns. Men can take a more delicate approach by introducing dress shirts in soft pastel colours or micro floral designs instead. You'll see plenty of both in our Spring Summer Collection.

Go All Out

No more tip toeing through the tulips. Now is the perfect time for men to bite the bullet and introduce bold colours and patterns including florals - especially considering the spring and summer seasons encourage this. Your personality is already glowing so now let your dress shirts shine, too. 

Accessorize with Colours Instead

If you still don't feel like a vibrant dress shirt is right for you, you can opt to add colourful accessories instead. King & Bay offers a wide variety of pocket squares and ties that can be customized to a pattern or colour you prefer. Using accessories adds a depth of self-expression and gives your overall outfit a well-rounded look. 

Introducing colour to your wardrobe should be fun. We're certain you'll find a colourful, eye-catching men's dress shirt in our Spring Summer Collection and our Master Clothiers are always happy to help guide you into making the perfect selection that fits your lifestyle and personality. 

Book your complimentary style consultation today.

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