Dell Technologies hosts a virtual mixology event to say thank you to their clients in style

To wrap up the crazy year that was 2020, Dell Technologies hosted a fabulous virtual event that impressed all with its attention to detail and production quality.

It was a vision with high expectations.

Dell Technologies had a lot to be thankful for in 2020 – and their clients were at the top of the list. But, with the overdrive of online events, what could they do that would standout and 'show the love'?

Knowing the quality of King & Bay events, Dell presented us with a wish list for something unique, high quality and engaging... an event that their customers would remember above all the other virtual meetings they'd attended through the year.

They were looking for something that stories would spring from.

King & Bay came to the table with an idea that ensured that Dell could present a uniform experience to all of their guests, while maintaining that feeling of exclusiveness the company was searching for.

Custom. Curated. Virtual Entertainment. Delivered.

  • The feedback we received from our customers and internal teams was that it was a huge success. From the kits the customers received to the bartender's explanations and variety of drinks, the whole thing was very well done.
    Linda Lewis, Dell Technologies VP Enterprise Sales and Operations

Mix a little style with elegant hosts and some cool content and you've got a recipe for happy clients.

It started with a custom a gift package delivered to each guest, which include ingredients and recipes for a selection of custom cocktails that would be prepared during a virtual mixology event.

Hosted from the King & Bay lounge, this was a high-production undertaking, with four curated cocktails on offer.

The cocktail kits were prepared by Liquid Kitchen, artisans in their own right, and included: Paper Plane, One Thousand and One Nights, Perfect Guest, and the King & Bay Old Fashioned. 

The result was fabulous!

Tasty, creative, beautiful, fun... and definitely  memorable. It was exactly the kind of unique ’thank you’ the team at Dell Technologies wanted to say to their clients.

The result? A sip of stylish success.

Virtual Mixology Ingredients Box


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